Environmental Injustice

Jay Monteverde, Namati
Kerri Evelyn Harris, Namati
Hailey Corkery, NYU Law Student Fellow:
Meg Satterthwaite, NYU Law Global Justice Clinic, Bernstein Institute

The environment is in a moment of crisis, and isolated and marginalized communities are bearing the brunt of the impact. How do we achieve a just transition away from fossil fuels and towards healthy communities for everyone?

Zoom Link: https://nyu.zoom.us/s/93863827837

Workshop #1 – Communities at the margins
Friday February 18th, 2022 10:30am-12:00pm ET

Injustice is a reality, and the very structures of legal systems in the United States often act to depower and limit community voice and direction. This pre-conference session will examine the shape of this access to justice problem within the environmental system and introduce critical legal empowerment as a methodology and movement.

Workshop #2 – Legal empowerment is happening now
Thursday February 24th, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm ET

Told through real life examples, anchor organizations will share how they use legal empowerment methods (e.g. community paralegals, accompaniment, community-driven litigation) to address injustice and invite participants to share their community empowerment strategies.

Workshop #3 – Pushing forward toward justice
Friday March 4th, 2022 10:30am-12:00pm ET

Legal empowerment approaches do not come without challenges, including concerns about unauthorized practice of law (UPL), funding difficulties, evidence gaps, and delegitimization by the legal profession. This post-conference workshop will provide participants a chance to conduct power mapping to identify levers for change.

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